Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beeteeful Lessons

It is one thing to study something as a matter of academic interest and quite another to view it firsthand. Such is my experience with the bees. I had researched them and talked about them, but now I would learn about them experientially. So, one sunny day two weeks ago, I entered into the world of bees. There, I learned some new lessons.

First, I learned that bees are sensitive to smell. They do not like perfumes. I guess that I can understand this sentiment since they daily smell the freshest and best perfume that the world has to offer: flowers. Anything synthetic imitating the real thing should dissatisfy.

They also can smell fear. Like dogs, if they sense fear, they will attack. During my entire time with the bees, I had to remain quiet, calm, and full of faith. I trusted God's presence in the bees so much that I stood before the nest naked so to speak.: no hat,  no gloves, or mask. Even my lower body was open to attack if they so chose, but I believed that they would not. I walked in as a friend not foe.

Lastly, I want to describe the treasure I reaped: the honey and the honey comb. God's word and godly wisdom is compared to the honeycomb: "They are more desirable than gold, even much fine gold. They are sweeter than honey, even the drippings from a honeycomb" (Psalm 19:10). True sweetness in life takes much work. The bees work hard for their product, and rightfully become enraged when people try to steal their hard-earned work. What if we were as adamant about guarding God's word in hearts, His promises, and our faith in Him, as the bees are diligent in attacking those who attempt to steal their honeycomb? Wouldn't the sweetness of God's presence flow down our lives and into the lives of others because of His loving presence that saturates us?

I left that day with one terrible sting on my hand- that 's all. But isn't that life? If you live afraid, you may never be stung, but have you really lived? The sting of love and  death simply reminds us and others that we have truly lived and that without fear.


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