Dear Friends,
As I step out in faith, I am excited to see God’s provision in allowing me to be part of His work in Kenya, Africa from June 25th to July 6th. Please pray for peace to continue in Kenya , our safety as the 15-person team travels to Africa, and for our days in the field. I see this summer trip to Africa as another step in God’s unfolding plan leading me to full-time ministry.
Shortly after I return from Kenya, I will be representing Christian Educators International Association of Houston, of which I am co-director with Don Clark. I have not been to a national meeting since I was awarded 2008 CEIA National Teacher Award, so I am very excited to see the members of this awesome organization. I plan on bringing my flags and at least one dance garment two dance. In the above picture, I am holding two of the flags that I will be taking and leaving in Kenya in our church plant.
Please pray for God's direction, wisdom, and leading as this CEIA makes shifts in policy and the decisions for the future. Please pray that Don and I, together with all the other leaders, will be in unity and minister in power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. May we have spiritual ears to listen to God's directions and hearts to obey.
Please pray for God's direction, wisdom, and leading as this CEIA makes shifts in policy and the decisions for the future. Please pray that Don and I, together with all the other leaders, will be in unity and minister in power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost. May we have spiritual ears to listen to God's directions and hearts to obey.
Later this summer, I will be a part of Bibles to Nicaragua from July 24- July 29th as part of the YWAM Nicaragua project to get Bibles into the hands of all the Nicaraguans. Right now, YWAM-Nicaragua and two other ministries have given Bibles to every home in the city of Diriamba. They are working in a small town called Jinotepe, but they still need around 2,000 Bibles to finish. To complete the saturation of the region, they will require another 35,000 Bibles. Ministry goals include home visitation, personal evangelism, and Bible distribution. In addition, we will give tracts to the Bible recipients so that they can learn how to read and understand God's Word. We are presently a team of 5 people. Currently, we have collected three thousand dollars, and we can purchase 750 Bibles.
Also, I have been praying since my teens for someone to minister with me on the field. I would appreciate you bringing all of these concerns before. God said that He released a new mantle of authority on my life last November; well, a new level of spiritual warfare has been unleashed against me, but, I boldly declare ,"For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die." Philippians 2:20
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
In Him,