By my God, I can leap over a wall, scale a mountain, take down a giant. I can do all things. God is asking us to mount the chair, then the table, and then the icebox and jump into His arms.
Even your mother forsakes you, I will not God Says. A mother may forget the child at her bosom because of deprivation, mental illness, and physical limitations, but I will never forget you. I have got to be rooted and grounded in God’s love for me. I must know the height, depth, breadth, and width of His love. I most understand it; otherwise, every time something unfortunate, unplanned, or undesired occurs, I am stuck wondering who God is and if He really cares about me intimately.
Psalm 139 says that he formed in my mother’s womb; thus, He knows everything about me. If I can not trust my Maker, who then can I really trust?
Even your mother forsakes you, I will not God Says. A mother may forget the child at her bosom because of deprivation, mental illness, and physical limitations, but I will never forget you. I have got to be rooted and grounded in God’s love for me. I must know the height, depth, breadth, and width of His love. I most understand it; otherwise, every time something unfortunate, unplanned, or undesired occurs, I am stuck wondering who God is and if He really cares about me intimately.
Psalm 139 says that he formed in my mother’s womb; thus, He knows everything about me. If I can not trust my Maker, who then can I really trust?
We do not do God any favors by making excuses that it wasn’t His will. Most of the times, we are fed-up with waiting, afraid of rejection and failure, and it is just easier not to try. We might use another’s sin, our pride, or anger to bash the dream God gave us. We say things like that can’t be God: I am too old; I stutter; I am not gifted. We would rather derail ourselves than to press past our fears and hold onto God’s promise.
I know and I am right there with you. But when we do not take God at His word, it is fundamentally a trust issue- a confidence either in who He says He is or His ability to make things happen. Somehow, I think my situation is too difficult for God. What a sack of bologna! Or just don’t feel like waiting anymore, so I let God ‘off the hook’ by releasing His promise. That most hurt His feelings because He realizes I don’t really trust Him in that area.
I know and I am right there with you. But when we do not take God at His word, it is fundamentally a trust issue- a confidence either in who He says He is or His ability to make things happen. Somehow, I think my situation is too difficult for God. What a sack of bologna! Or just don’t feel like waiting anymore, so I let God ‘off the hook’ by releasing His promise. That most hurt His feelings because He realizes I don’t really trust Him in that area.
Well, you ask, how do I stay focused as I wait?
You don’t want to relax your stance. You have pent-up anxiety as you ready. Stay focused. Don’t get relaxed; the race is about to begin. Get up out of the blocks, but don’t go too far. You never know when the call back to return will come. This break is not a release at-all. We just have not started; stay focused. God will call you back when He is ready for you. Stay limber: Jump up down and stretch out those legs.
All that jumping before was to prepare you for these hurdles that face you now. Do you hear the crowd of witnesses cheering you on? (Hebrews 12:1). Don’t give up; no matter how bleak the outlook seems. Believe despite your feelings and past experiences. Jump high and over every obstacle that keeps you from entering into God’s best- into His rest.
May we jump all the way into God’s arms,
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