I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day- and not only me but also to all who have longed for his appearing. 2 Timothy 4:7-8.
We are in a relay race of sorts, and we pass our spiritual baton to our children, friends, and associates. The first runner gets into the blocks, pressing his heels firmly against them; he tightly grips the small cylinder known as a baton. As he hears the gun go off, he explodes from the starting blocks. Despite sweaty palms and an anxious heart, he runs with all his might. He hits a full stride, lengthening his gait, and then he makes the switches the baton from left to right in hands, preparing to pass it to the next runner. As he reaches out his right hand with the baton, his teammate reaches his own outstretched arm to grasp it tightly. This transfer will happen two more times, but if the baton is dropped the runner is disqualified and the whole team loses. The last runner must keep the baton tightly clenched in his sweaty palms. It is not only an issue of speed but accuracy.
I am in such place now. I am preparing to pass the baton on to those who will continue the race in the public school. How accurate will my departure be? It must be perfectly timed with the Holy Spirit. He knows the dispensations of time. I trust Him.
We have all been given a baton of truth, power, and influence. To whom do we pass them, how, and when? To win the race Paul speaks of requires patience, timing, to hand “it” off at the perfect moment. The Hebrews refer to it as Ha-Moedim- the appointed season. I want to be like the sons of Issachar who know the seasons.
You don’t want to relax your stance now. Keep your pent-up anxiety as you ready. Stay focused; jump up and down, if you must. Just don’t get relaxed. The race is about to begin. Get up out of the blocks, but don’t go too far. You never know when the call to return will come. This break is not a release at-all. We just have not started; stay focused. God will call you back when He is ready for you. Stay limber: Keep moving and stretching out legs. Don’t get tight.
The race is about to begin. All that jumping before was to prepare you for these hurdles that face you. Do you hear the crowd of witnesses cheering you on? Don’t give up; no matter how bleak the outlook seems. Believe despite your feelings and past experiences. Jump high and over every obstacle that keeps you from entering into God’s best- into His rest.
Fellow Runner,
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