Have you ever noticed, considered, or realized that God is not concerned with things with which we are concerned? I think His principle concern is wringing out every last ounce of glory for Himself. You might wonder how I came to that conclusion. Let's just see the Book of Exodus left some mighty large hints. I believe every plague, catastrophe, and nuisance was the rising action in the drama that God alone was directing.
One day, Pharaoh is going to release the Israelites, and the next day, He was not. All this back and forth, go to Pharaoh, tell him this and that says the Lord- all mounting action for the climax which would take place at the Red Sea. God knew that nations were holding onto the edge of their seats as Pharaoh's army of chariots and horses entered into the two standing gulfs of waters only to be seen no more.
I figure God thought this miracle tops all miracles and reveals to the nations that I alone am God. Unfortunately, instead of the denouement that leads to a wonderful conclusion, the nation of Israel doesn't live happily ever-after in the Promise Land because of their foolishnness, hard-headedness, and any other colorful adjective you would like to apply. Oh well, we're no better.
But please don't think any of that drama stopped God. He just hired a stationary cloud and a moving pillar of fire to continue to reveal Himself to the nations. He set up a tabernacle, organized his own priesthood, and finally gave the people a king that they could see. Did I mention incredible, impossible, inexplicable victories over their adversaries as well? Oh, yeah that too.
For you see God was interested in His glory being revealed so that He could mightily change the nations. God chose the smallest, the most despised, and least of groups. Israel, so that the glory would be His, not theirs. Deutoronomy 7:7 declares,"The LORD did not set his heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations!
Philistines would have clamored for attention; Goliath would have proclaimed his own might, posturing with great poise his enormous physique. Such a diva! Look at those biceps.
So when we are tempted to think that is all about us- this plague of locusts, this storm of hail, this substantial loss, it could be it's all about Him. Ask yourself how can God get the glory? I have blogged before that God wastes nothing, those things we actually give Him. Every disappointment, wound, and loss, He will take a wring the glory out of it, if we let Him.
Listen, my father struggled with alcoholism for years. One year while serving a short stint in jail, He said God delivered him from the compulsion. He described it as being lifted into the hands of God and being wrung out look a towel has water wrung from its fibers. Never again did he struggle with the addiction.
I had the unique opportunity to share that truth at two prisons: one in Brazil and the other Kenya, Africa. Despite pain that the addiction cost my family, God used his story to redeem the lives of countless others. Fathers returned home whole; sons and husbands were restored to families. See, God was wringing glory out of my pain and my father's sin and hurt. He can do that you know, if you let Him.
I imagine my father in heaven now meeting men whose lives his testimony changed without him ever knowing it, or even better a child, a mother, a wife, a son thanking him for yielding his hurt to God.
Whatever is in your heart right now, would you give it to Him and let Him wring the glory out?
Here's to More Wringing,
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