It takes time and refinement for you to know what your true heart's true. What do you do when you have been given a promise, and it has yet come to fruition? In the process of teaching 10 years at the public school, I discovered that my true desire was not to teach at an university.Yet, I used to yearn for that very thing. See, when it says that God will give us the desires of our hearts, it means that there will be a refining process that will reveal the true desires.
Many times, we feel boxed in, but God has purpose for every assignment, even what appears as a lesser assignment. He gave Moses a shepherd's heart with real nasty sheep. God wastes nothing. He confirms our nature and personality to the nature and character of His Son.
We are in process. God loves process. Perhaps, I would never have known my true's heart's desire if I taught at the university. I taught as a substitute and an adjunct professor, and I discovered that my heart is set on creating a school for girls. He has used those years of teaching in the public school for His purposes, to further His kingdom. I realize that the only thing that is going to last is what I do for God: spiritual collateral- those lives who are saved. No awards, applause, or praise of men will follow me. I have learned that if I am faithful in a little, He will make me ruler over much.
In Process,
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