The devil readily admitted that he had being going to and fro looking for someone, but he could find no one worthy of his attention. That is, until God suggested that he consider his servant, Job. Job declares, “If I have walked in falsehood or my foot has hurried after deceit let god weigh me in honest scales and he will know that I am blameless” (Job 31:5-6).
Job served and honored God even when he lost that he held dear. He lost all of his personal possessions. For most, a loss of business, home, and possessions would have constituted more than enough to signal a rapid departure from serving God, but not for Job. After listening to what appears to be a relentless list of losses, he still stuck with God. Even when he learned that all of his children also died, he continued to serve God. His wife thought he would do better by simply cursing God, but he replied:”Is it right to serve God when he gives good and not also bad?”
When the devil failed to get Job to turn on God, he retorted, “Won’t a man serve you since you protect his very life?”(Job 2:3). God had so much faith in Job that He responded, “You can touch him except, do not kill him. Satan immediately left and went to torment Job with grievous boils” Even then, suffering, Job refused to curse God. But why?
He lived an unimpeachable life. God placed the life being lived by Job as the gold standard. If I were to be indicted based on how I lived, would I be convicted based on righteous living? Could God really trust me to be faithful when all I loved and valued was stripped from my hands? Some in history have had to answer that question. For some individuals like Corrie Ten Boom hat answer was yes. For others, like Elie Wiesel, Hitler’s concentrations ere bigger than his god.
So many say the right words but do not live the life that they claim. They do not live above the norm. Every day, it seems some politician, teacher, or even religious leader is in the news for living duplicitious lives. Their lives are not untouchable. Humbly, I submit that I want to live a life that is unimpeachable. I want my record to remind people of who God truly is. I want to live a life that gets God’s attention- a life that is thankful even when things do not go my way or even if disaster strikes. God rewarded Job's faith, and He will reward yours.
So many say the right words but do not live the life that they claim. They do not live above the norm. Every day, it seems some politician, teacher, or even religious leader is in the news for living duplicitious lives. Their lives are not untouchable. Humbly, I submit that I want to live a life that is unimpeachable. I want my record to remind people of who God truly is. I want to live a life that gets God’s attention- a life that is thankful even when things do not go my way or even if disaster strikes. God rewarded Job's faith, and He will reward yours.
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