The Word of God says that the fear of man is a snare. We can
trust in chariots and horses, but if we fail to put our trust in God., our trust is in vain. Men are
unreliable, God states that He is not a man, thus He cannot lie. When I don’t choose to rest in God, but put my
trust in value and esteem and worth in
the hands of men, I trust myself to marauders and killers.
I have learned about the folly of Saul, of how he sought to please the people and in so doing displeased God, and in the end, his life was destroyed. His legacy was relinquished and what he thought that he could gain from people, he never got. But in the example of David, a man after God’s own heart, as he was purified, refined, and received wisdom, God caused him to ride upon the heights of the land. God gave him favor and an everlasting legacy as God’s king and the peoples’ king- the very things Saul wanted but failed to receive because of his disobedience and ultimately, he was destroyed because of His brokenness.
I have learned about the folly of Saul, of how he sought to please the people and in so doing displeased God, and in the end, his life was destroyed. His legacy was relinquished and what he thought that he could gain from people, he never got. But in the example of David, a man after God’s own heart, as he was purified, refined, and received wisdom, God caused him to ride upon the heights of the land. God gave him favor and an everlasting legacy as God’s king and the peoples’ king- the very things Saul wanted but failed to receive because of his disobedience and ultimately, he was destroyed because of His brokenness.
God promises that when our ways please Him, He will make
even our enemies to be at peace with us. He gives us favor and causes us to be
the head and not the tail. To be above and not beneath. He goes before us
and behind us- hemming us in with His favor, and no good thing will He withhold
from those who love and seek Him. He
only asks that we seek him and his kingdom first- that we love Him with our all
heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Seeking His approval most,
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