The truth be told I was having a rather difficult day and I was wondering why am I here in South Africa? The seriousness and the bleakness of the situation surrounding me was almost like a blanket of heaviness. I’d just finished ministering in Riverview and decided, as I dropped a couple of the kids who helped me from Avian Park at their homes, to do some home visits. As I did so a number of children began running after mescreaming :”Miss Mella! Miss Mella! Can I have a Bible?” They followed me up the road and I stopped my car and began to teach them. While I was in the process of teaching them, a young boy approached me, to ask me for a Bible. I admit as was a bit incredulous and so I said to him:“Why do you want the Bible?” He said he wanted to study the word of God. I said: “Can you read English?” And he responded that he could.

Despite all of the disappointments, challenges, and hardships, the light of the glory that was present in this child brought light to me. I knew that the Greater One, that Christ had chosen André and others in Avian Park and in Riverview and gifted th to share His truth and love. He had already called them and anointed them for this purpose and it was by job to get teaching and the Word of God into their hands and hearts so that they would be empowered to do what they where called to do and to live out their destinies. And I had hope once again that the light would overcome the darkness. That the light would shine in the darkness and the darkness would not comprehend it. And the light was in a boy, a simple child, standing in the streets of a shanti town called Avian Park.

So I opened up the Bible to a passage and he began to read about Jesus, though bein g in the very nature God humbledhimself and took on the position of a servant. I asked him if he knew what it meant in very nature God. He said it meant that Jesus was equal to God and even though he was equal to God he came and served man. I was astounded. This showed not only comprehension buta depth of understanding and an ability to put into simplistic words the very deep truth about who Christ is. As he was speaking, there was the palpable presence of the Holy Spirit and it was clear to me that this child André was anointed to teach. Right then and there I gave him the Bible and proceeded to lay hands on him. Not that he would be anointed, because he was already anointed, but that he would use the giftings that Jesus had placed in him to begin to teach the little ones that were gathered around his feet. I am acutely aware that I cannot do all things in Avian Park, and that just as Jesus had those who ministered beside him, I too need those who will take the teaching and the truth of the word of God into Avian Park. The darkness under which I had been laboring immediately lifted and I knew it was for this reason I was doing what I was doing.
Despite all of the disappointments, challenges, and hardships, the light of the glory that was present in this child brought light to me. I knew that the Greater One, that Christ had chosen André and others in Avian Park and in Riverview and gifted th to share His truth and love. He had already called them and anointed them for this purpose and it was by job to get teaching and the Word of God into their hands and hearts so that they would be empowered to do what they where called to do and to live out their destinies. And I had hope once again that the light would overcome the darkness. That the light would shine in the darkness and the darkness would not comprehend it. And the light was in a boy, a simple child, standing in the streets of a shanti town called Avian Park.

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